Moxa is an easy and pleasant treatment that has been used for centuries to improve health. A part of traditional Chinese acupuncture practice, moxa uses heat to stimulate specific spots on the body known as acupuncture points. The heat is generated by a smouldering herb that is compressed into a cigar shape, making it easy to apply.
This research study explores whether it is possible for people undergoing chemotherapy to learn to use moxa and self administer it on a daily basis throughout their course of chemotherapy. This takes less than 10 minutes a day and may improve blood counts and reduce chemotherapy side effects.
This study is registered with the UK Cancer Research Network. It is funded by the British Acupuncture Council.
Publications and posters
de Valois, B, Young T, Glynne-Jobes R, Scarlett C, Staebler F (2016) Limiting Chemotherapy Side Effects by Using Moxa European Journal of Oriental Medicine, 8(3) pp29-39 This article is reprinted from the European Journal of Oriental Medicine by kind permission of the authors and publisher. |
Limiting chemotherapy side effects by using moxibustion: introducing a novel intervention into the NHS | |
The use of daily self-administered indirect moxibustion during chemotherapy – is it feasible and acceptable in an NHS setting? NCRI 2018 Glasgow poster |