Training courses and events for complementary therapists

The Complementary Therapy team organises a range of events during the year. These include:

  • Events & training for therapists
  • Events & training for healthcare professionals
  • Events for patients and carers

More information about all events can be obtained by calling 020 3826 2553.

One-day courses

Cancer & its treatments

This course is suitable for complementary therapists, volunteers, healthcare professionals and other staff with a non-oncology background.

  • The cancer journey
  • The impact of a cancer diagnosis
  • What is cancer?
  • Treatment options for cancer and possible side effects

It is recommended that therapists attend this course every four years.

Using complementary therapies for cancer patients

This course is designed for complementary therapists wishing to further their knowledge of cancer and working appropriately with cancer patients.

It will increase therapists’ confidence in working with cancer patients and adapting their therapies to meet their patients’ needs.

There will be presentations on the patients’ journey and therapists’ experiences as well as case studies, group work, guidelines and practical demonstrations.